Informational Q & A
Q: How many Americans does the healthcare crisis affect?
A: About 44 million people in this country have no health insurance, and another 38 million have inadequate health insurance. A 2017 Bankrate survey found that one out of four Americans said they or someone in their family skipped necessary medical care because they couldn’t afford it.
Q: Why do American legislatures need to make a change?
A: The United States spends more than any other country on healthcare, yet we have one of the most inefficient healthcare systems. A system in which many, like us, cannot afford our health needs.
Q: How does the current healthcare system affect youth specifically?
A: Us, as the youth, are going through a critical time in our lives as we develop. Therefore, it is important that we receive adequate and affordable healthcare that we desperately need. We have the right to be healthy and enjoy our youth. Our quality of life should not depend on whether or not we can afford care. Without having to worry about out healthcare needs, we can focus on our present and future lives.

Q: Why do Healthy Right leaders work to educate youth?
A: Along with advocacy for lower healthcare, we intend to educate our youth to leave a lasting impact on those involved, which can eventually spread to younger generations. By educating children and teens of how to lead a healthy lifestyle, they they will develop the skills needed to aid others struggling with healthcare. The greater the spread of Healthy Right knowledge will eventually lead to lower healthcare costs as we, the youth, revolutionize modern healthcare.
Q: What are some important issues for youth that Healthy Right focuses on?
A: Healthy Right focuses on the overall public health of youth. This includes the areas of adolescent health specifically mentioned in the government initiative "Healthy People 2020" such as:
Mental Disorders
Substance Use
Smoking / Nicotine Use
Nutrition and Weight Conditions
Sexually Transmitted Infections, including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Teen and Unintended Pregnancies
Academic Problems and Dropping out of School
Motor Vehicle Collisions